

Triton Robotics @ UCSD


The Hero Robot is the main offensive ground robot in RoboMaster. The Hero is equipped with 42 mm projectiles with a capped speed of 16 m/s, accompanied by an optional secondary co-axial 17 mm projectile launcher modified from the Infantry Robot. This robot platform holds the capability to turn the tides during a match, capable of taking out an enemy infantry with two precise hits. However, this capability relies on a great support system as it relies on the Engineer Robot to provide the 42 mm ammunition acquired from resource islands.

Our third-generation Hero 2022 is a newer compact design approach addressing the numerous weight distribution and size issues attributed to the last generation’s approach. It features an innovative bottom-feeding mechanism with integrated ammunition storage. This iteration of the Hero features upgrades including a hinged top plate for easy access to electronics, a lighter chassis for easier maneuverability, and a modular approach to suspension adapted from the Infantry Robot

Hero Turret Cut Away

Our next design for Hero Robot, Hero 2023 will have a completely redesigned chassis allowing for the use of X-Drive, featuring Omnidirectional wheels instead of the Mecanum wheels we have used in the past, as well as a top-mounted slip ring so that the chassis will spin while the turret stays in place. Come back in a few months to see images of what Hero 2023 will look like!

2021-2022 Competition Hero